According to the validations performed by the DASRegistry we now pass the sources, features and unknown_segment-commands. And these are the only ones which are currently implemented in openSNP. This is a nice step forward. Today I’ll work on implementing the types-command as well, as this is mandatory for annotation-servers in the 1.6-specification of DAS (the 1.5[E]-specification doesn’t explicitly state the need for the types-command if you implement features).
I also work on implementing some useful application for DAS right into openSNP: Biodalliance is a genome browser/viewer which runs right away in your browser using JavaScript and it can be used to easily embed genome views into web-pages. I’ll try to add the respective views of the genome right into the SNP-pages. The screenshot here is of the Biodalliance website and already includes my genotypes in the last track. So this should be straight forward to do.